Welcome to BKMA

About BKMA

The objects of the BKMA are:

For the public benefit, the relief of sickness and preservation of health, in particular but not exclusively in Kashmir by:

The provision of medical equipment and supplies;

Advancing the education of doctors, nurses and health professionals, by providing or assisting in the provision of information, training, advice and other support with the aim of improving health care facilities;

The relief and assistance of people in any part of the world, including Kashmir, who are victims of war or natural disaster, disease, trouble or catastrophe by the supply of medical aid to such persons.




Events Hosted

We are the BKMA

The British Kashmiri Medical Association(BKMA) is an association of healthcare professionals of Kashmiri origin residing in UK. It has no political or religious affiliations and membership is open to all doctors/dentists and healthcare professionals of Kashmiri origin.

Our overriding purpose is to improve and enhance patient care and patient outcome in the UK and abroad, with the particular focus on Kashmir. This purpose informs everything we do.


Pictures from recent events

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