Welcome to dentistry branch of BKMA. This platform will give us an opportunity to communicate and support Kashmiri dentists, with the aim of improving dental health in Kashmir.

Dental BKMA Vision: Our vision is to make a positive difference in the lives of kashmiris by offering the highest-quality dental care. All dental care is to be met with a high level of care, compassion and understanding, which is shown to all patients.


Overseas-qualified dentists are defined as those who have taken their primary dental qualification outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

The EEA covers European Union countries and most countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).Overseas-qualified dentists who wish to continue their training or to take postgraduate qualifications in the UK must fulfil certain essential requirements. Before setting out to travel to the UK, overseas dentists are strongly advised to find out about the following:





Dental Care Professional DCP – for those who have completed BDS Dental Degree from Overseas (outside the EU)

​The information on this page is only relevant to you if:

  • you have never been registered with the GDC before, and
  • you have a dental qualification from overseas (non EU)

If the above is not relevant for you, please press the button below to find information that is relevant to you. This will take you directly to the General Dental Council’s Route to Registration webpage.

How to register as a Dental Hygienist or Dental Therapist in the UK?

If you hold a BDS Dental Degree from overseas, you can apply for individual assessment. If your application is successful, you will be eligible for registration.

Step 1: Request an Assessment Application Form from GDC.

  • The first thing you need to do is to request the proforma from GDC. 
  • You need to request this from GDC’s website. For your ease, you can use this external link to go to the relevant page on GDC’s website directly
  • Then select ‘ROUTE TO REGISTER’. Please note, you will be asked to complete the route to registration questionnaire.
  • Once you have completed the online proforma form, submit it.
  • The information submitted will be reviewed by General Dental Council (GDC) and you will be notified by email of the appropriate application form and guidance you need to submit to apply to register with the GDC.
  • GDC says to allow 10 working days to assess the details and send the assessment application pack by return email. Even though GDC says 10 working days, we have seen they send it to you in 1-2 working days.
  • Please read through GDC’s official Frequently Asked Questions on the Assessment Process here. This is an external link on GDC’s website:


Step 2: Complete the different forms.

  • You will receive 4/5 items attached in the email from the DCP Assessment Team at General Dental Council.
  • Learning Outcomes Form:The biggest challenge in this step is the Learning Outcomes Form. You need your full University’s syllabus or curriculum to be able to complete this form. This form is very detailed and requires you to very carefully ensure that all the learning outcomes for either Therapist or Hygienist are completed properly. You need to ensure there are no gaps in your qualification, and  in your course. One thing to note here is that if you do not fill this form properly, GDC will most likely reject your application.
  • If you are struggling with the Learning Outcomes Form, our team is available to provide expert guidance and support. Feel free to Contact Us. 
  • DCP Assessment Form:The second form you would need to fill is the Application form itself which is called the DCP Assessment Form. Though it contains more than 20 pages, this is a relatively easier form to complete. The information requested will be all personal details from you.
  • Certificate of Good Standing Form: This form needs to be completed by your Dental Council or Medical Council where you are registered as a Dentist.
  • Professional Reference Form: This form needs to be completed by a previous or current employer relating to the relevant dental profession.


Step 3: What Documents will I need to send with my application for Dental Hygienist/ Therapist registration?

These are the documents you will need to send to the General Dental Council (GDC):

  • a completed Application Form (this includes the Character Reference Form)
  • a completed Learning Outcomes Form
  • a certified copy of your BDS or Dental qualification certificate
  • a certified copy of the Syllabus / Curriculum from the university or college
  • a certified copy of the transcript or mark-sheets for your course
  • certificates/ evidence of relevant training courses and CPD
  • evidence that you have the required English language standard necessary for registration (The details on the requirements can be found on GDC’s website. This is an external link on GDC’s website: 
  • references from employers referring to your experience and knowledge as a dental care professionals
  • evidence of any relevant postgraduate qualifications (if applicable)
  • a certified copy of your valid passport, clearly showing your photograph and personal details as well as the expiry date of the document
  • a passport sized photograph of yourself that has been signed on the back by your character referee
  • a certificate of current professional standing (certificate of good standing)
  • a certified copy of your change of name document, if you’re married
  • translations of documents which are not issued in English
  • One photocopy of your whole application


GDC will return incomplete applications without assessment.

Step 4: Waiting. How long will GDC take for DCP registration?

When the General Dental Council (GDC) receives your application:

  • GDC will contact you by email to confirm they have received your application within five days.
  • GDC will check your application and documents within four weeks of receipt of the application pack.
  • GDC will contact you if there is a problem with your application (this could include returning your application if it is considered incomplete).
  • If all goes okay, GDC forwards your application to the next available assessment panel, if it is considered complete as per requirements.
  • Once the assessment panel finishes the assessment, GDC will inform you of their decision on your application (in writing, so you will get a letter by post)
  • The General Dental Council (GDC) has a maximum of four months from receipt of a complete application to inform an applicant of its decision.