زُوٕ اۆر جَحان اۆر

BKMA  is  an organisation of healthcare professionals of Kashmiri origin resident in UK. It has no political or religious affiliations and membership is open to all doctors/dentists and healthcare professionals of Kashmiri origin.

Our overriding purpose is to improve and enhance patient care and patient outcome in the UK and abroad, with the particular focus on Kashmir. This purpose informs everything we do.


1) To build a network of UK Kashmiri healthcare professionals to promote and share good clinical practice in the UK and abroad, with a particular focus in Kashmir.

2) To develop and support initiatives to improve standards of health care in Kashmir.

3) To promote links with healthcare professionals and institutions in Kashmir for the benefit of patients in Kashmir.

4) To raise funds and hold charitable events to support and promote health initiatives in Kashmir.

5) To organise  conferences in the UK and abroad to  share research studies, good clinical practice and  raise awareness of public  health issues.

6) To promote collaboration with medical professional bodies and work jointly with other organisations whose aims and objectives are in line with those of the BKMA.

7) To provide support and mentorship for members.

8) To provide grants and bursaries (criteria to be agreed) to clinicians of Kashmiri origin.

All members must comply with the professional code of conduct of their primary professional body e.g GMC, GDC etc.